Common answers include:
Then why does it still hurt like buggery?
Bottoming 101: A good primer on how to bottom and get pleasure out of it, from a man with experience…
It’s a very long blog post, and very extensive, so here are a few bullet points relevant to the question:
And finally and most importantly:
I think the issue here is you are going straight for sex. Don’t start with full blown sex, try with a finger or a very small vibrator. After a few sessions you can start to build up to larger toys. Only try full blown sex when you are comfotable masterbating with a penis sized object. Even then take it slow and start with something small to get you ready. With anal, the best way to avoid hurting is to take it slow and use lots of lube
Well the humorous answer would be because it is buggery…
In seriousness the answer is probably similar to “Why is vaginal intercourse painful the first time?” – A new sensation that your body isn’t prepared for, combined with tissues that are not normally accustomed to stretching, or at least not for the length of time anal sex would last.
To reduce the chance of pain (and injury) some “warm up” exercises may be in order, using fingers or toys. Also consider trying other lubricants: there are many brands, and many different properties. The original water-based Astroglide is known for its lubricity and resistance to drying out.
The problem is probably tensing up too much because of fear or insecurity, relaxing and being turned on is just as, or even more, important than lube (lube is still required in most cases tho).
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