Sexuality Stack Exchange Archive

Proper way to perform oral on a woman?

I have tried a couple of time, but i didn’t seem to work too well. How should one perform oral on a woman to ensure that it’s satisfying?

Answer 161

Every one is different, which is why every one likes slightly different things done to them. Not only is every woman is different, but the same woman can have different preferences from one session to another.

Some techniques I’ve found that tend to work:

Pay attention for signals that she’s having a good time.

Some things to look out for:

Answer 157

There is no one correct way, some people prefer different teqniques. As with most physical skills the best way to learn is by doing. Have a practice with your partner and ask for honest feedback on what works and what doesn’t. (I’m sure she won’t mind you trying :) )

Answer 159

Make sure it doesn’t smell bad down there. If so, talk it over with your partner.

Once you have a clean and fragrant garden, you can just do anything to your heart’s content and everything will please her.

Remember smoother, softer, slower, and wetter strokes are better.

Answer 160

As with all these things, everyone likes something slightly different. More pressure here, slower, faster, whatever.

Your best way to do what your partner wants is to pay attention to them, their movements, their sounds etc., and talk with them to ask what they like.

Answer 164

If you want to do some "academic" research before going down on your partner, this book will give you a few useful tips. A friend of mine wanted to learn the art of oral sex and I can tell you from personal experience that the tips are quite good... ;)

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