, psychology
, crime
, woman
, society
Take an example man and woman who are equally physically attractive.
The chances are that it’s much harder for the man to find a sexual partner than for the woman.
Some sexual behaviours such as sexual dominance, sexual crime and porn are considerably more male associated than female. How much is this due to the inequality of availability between the genders? By constrast, how much is it due to, for example, built in evolutionary factors such as hormonal differences?
That is the question, however this also displays itself in more subtle situations.
In some cases older men are attracted to younger, cute, more vulnerable women and this seems the way round that things occur. As opposed to older women taking advantage of younger men, for one it dosn’t seem predatory or like taking advantage even if the woman chose a man who she thought wasn’t getting any anywhere else. This sort of out of charecter behaviour would tend to be in cases where as women get older they no longer think of themselves as being desirable. In other words both men and womman who havn’t been able to find a sexual partner for many years behave in the same way.
A similar dynamic could be at work regarding porn. I don’t think men to whom woman similarly attractive as themselves are available, even if this were only occasionally, would view much porn.
Because to those not involved in them these things don’t seem real and people involved don’t seem relevent, so the issues are hard to improve. Sexual crime is really bad and whats more it shouldn’t be necessary. In England we have a “newspaper” that shows a mostly naked womman each week one page in. I’m not sugesting that just having a paper that showed an attractive naked man one page in would fix things, but something thinking along those lines.
When Google used to auto-correct “she invented” to “he invented”, nobody was sexist at Google, it was the internet they index.
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