Sexuality Stack Exchange Archive

Does frequent masturbation have an effect on sex drive?

Does frequent masturbation affect sex drive, in either direction? For example, does it make one less likely to desire sex with others because gratification is already being achieved? Or, conversely, does it habituate the body to regular gratification, thus increasing sex drive?

Answer 122


Short answer: it depends on the person.

Long answer: well, if that’s what floats your boat and you don’t want anything else beyond just the orgasm - and let’s face it sex is about more than that - then maybe. Gratification has all sorts of different forms and flavours, orgasm is only a tiny slice of the pie.

This is never going to be a cut and dried issue. Mechanically I don’t think that lots of masturbation makes your overall sex drive (rather than your need for an orgasm RIGHT NOW) greater or smaller, I imagine that sex drive is simply what it is. Probably more influenced by other factors such as health or overall sense of personal well-being.

TBH, I’ve always been a one or two orgasm a day girl and that hasn’t really altered depending on whether I’ve got partners or not.

Answer 113

I think that it habituates the body and decreases sex drive, in the sense that you are unlikely to try to have other types of sexual relation, because masturbation already does that for you.

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