, genitals
, sexual-feelings
I want to ask again about female orgasm.
Some research shows us that men’s genital size doesn’t affect female orgasm. So, I conclude that the size of men’s genitals doesn’t matter for women’s ability to reach their own orgasm. Is that correct?
My question is ‘how can size of men’s genital affect to female orgasm?’
I don’t think this question is even valid. What has the men’s genitals to do with female orgasm!!
Actually, female orgasm is a completely different story which depends on how her partner is simulating her. What approaches count are the sensualising methods, the way you’re eating out, how warmer and how much comfort you’re providing her.
If she won’t arouse excitations with you providing orgasm, then no matter what your genitals size is, it won’t suffice reaching her orgasm.
This educating guide by Brown University also nowhere mentions that the size of partner’s genitals have any role to play.
Quoting them :-
Most women experience orgasm through clitoral stimulation rather than through vaginal penetration. So if you are having difficulty reaching orgasm with a partner, try clitoral stimulation during, before, or after vaginal intercourse or oral sex. Masturbation can also be an important step in learning to be orgasmic with a partner. Once you have discovered what type of touch and stimulation you enjoy, you will be better able to give your partner(s) helpful directions.
If it appeals to you, oral sex can be one of the most effective ways for women to reach orgasm. Having your partner use their mouth and tongue to stimulate the vulva in general and the clitoris in particular can be very arousing and can help you to orgasm. The sensitivity of your vulva and clitoris will determine what type of oral stimulation you enjoy and are most responsive to, so there is no one approach that works for everyone and new partners will need to learn about each other’s bodies and preferences.
First of all I think too that the question is not really well-written. You wanted to ask the oldest question in world maybe: will a woman feel pleasure even with small men's genitalia? The answer is "yes". Full stop.
There are a number of studies about the size of the penis having nothing to do with female orgasm (which, by the way, a woman could reach without the penis having any involvement in the stimulation - if you're talking about the clitoral one - ).
Or, to put it more bluntly, HOW MUCH DOES PENIS SIZE MATTER?
The answer is that, within fairly wide limits (roughly 9 to 17cm in length and roughly 8 to 15 cm in circumference), erect penis size appears to have very little effect on women's sexual satisfaction levels or orgasm rates. Other factors are far more important, especially a man's skill at using - and willingness to use - other means for sexually stimulating a woman besides simple penile thrusting.
As Amy Muise says in Supersize Me: Does Penis Size Matter to Women?...
Researchers have also explored how women feel about their partner’s penis size. Most women rated their partner’s penis size as average (67%), about a quarter rated their partner’s penis as large (27%), and a few women rated their partner’s penis as small (6%).
Importantly, the vast majority of women were satisfied with their partner’s penis size (84%), and this was a significantly higher percentage than the number of men who were satisfied with their own penis size (55%). Only 14% of women wanted their partner’s penis to be larger, and, in fact, 2% wanted their partner’s penis to be smaller.
[Data from: Lever, J., Frederick, D. A., & Peplau, L. A. (2006). Does size matter? Men’s and women’s views on penis size across the lifespan.Psychology of Men & Masculinity, 7, 129-143.]
Following up on the 2% who wanted their partner's penises to be smaller: the charts tell us that the largest 2% are the men with penises more than 16.5cm or 6.5 inches long.
When men are surveyed, about 1.5-2% also typically wish their penises were smaller. Again, that's probably a substantial portion of the men with penises that are longer than 7 inches, plus a significant number of men who have very girthy penises as well, and it confirms what women are saying: if a man is in other ways attractive and skillful, he is much more likely to be refused sex or to have his girlfriend break up with him because his penis is too large than because it is too small.
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