Sexuality Stack Exchange Archive

Natural ways to extend duration of intercourse aka postpone my orgasm

I want to extend the duration of intercourse with my sexual partner. While it’s going on all is good and feels great, but at some point I simply can’t hold it any longer and reach orgasm.

What natural ways exist to help me extend the duration? I do not want any chemicals.

Note: I am not talking about premature ejaculation, as the duration is normal and I just want to extend it even further.

Answer 87

This website provides the following list:

Note: posting this link should not in any way be interpreted as recommending any products or services being offered on that website.

This list is from personal experience. I’m asssuming that you are a man having sex with a woman. Accept my apologies if some of this does not apply to you. If appropriate, I will revise my answer accordingly.

The format of this list makes it difficult for me to spell out every detail. If you’re unsure about what would work best for your partner, ask her. If neither of you are sure, then experiment and find out together.

Good luck!

Answer 63

Answer 232

The only thing I can add to what has already been said is that a cock ring might help. I have never used one, but I believe it works by restricting the flow of blood out of the genital area, and the purpose of it is exactly what you’re looking for.

I know you said that you don’t want to use chemicals, but if you are open to using topical chemicals (as opposed to taking pills or whatever internally), there are mild, over the counter analgesics sold in the family planning aisle of your local drug store, near the condoms and lubricants. Again, I’ve never used these, so I can’t vouch for their effectiveness.

I would recommend, as a previous answer has done, that you use a condom, preferably a thick one, if you are interested in lasting as long as possible. The less you feel, the longer you will last.

Other common recommendations include taking it slowly for as long as you can, and, when you feel like you’re getting too close to the finish line, thinking about unsexy things - I’ve heard everything from baseball stats to remembering scenes from horror movies, and from bible stories to imagining your grandmother sitting on the toilet saying your name. I’ve never tried any of these suggestions, and the last one is so creepy that I don’t even like to think of it, although I would imagine that it would be quite effective.

The best stamina extender I’ve ever used was Zoloft - it was prescribed for depression, not for sexual benefits, but it makes it almost impossible to finish the job, so to speak, in less than an hour or so.

Answer 129

Completing others’ posts: also try to have very long foreplays, preferably without strong stimulation of your penis. E.g., half an hour.

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