, sex
, orgasm
, sexual-dysfunction
I am male and 24 years old. I never had a true girlfriend, but I have sex once a month with an escort girl.
I usually spend one hour with her (a different person each time), but I simply can’t ejaculate. One time, which was one of my best experiences, I got so close and stayed there for 15 minutes, but I didn’t come to the end. I’m also not inhibited in any way!
I researched, and apparently dopamine agonists could help. I will ask my doctor about this.
I believe you’re referring to “anorgasmia.” Anorgasmia can be caused by the SSRIs you are taking. However, do not stop your medication! Talk to your doctor and bring up the concern of your sexual function. They may be able to adjust or change your prescription, or suggest alternative means of therapy.
Outside of your medication, sex therapy, psychotherapy, and hormonal treatments may help. Your primary care provider will be able to help you decide what course of treatment is best for you.
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