, bdsm
In my native language (German) I know quite a few terms for both the male and the female top in BDSM. But what other names and terms can be used in English?
I am also wondering if there are any common terms for BDSM tops with a non-binary gender.
According to this:
Dominant (or Dom)
- (adj.) Exercising the most influence or control; governing. (American Heritage Dictionary)
- (adj.) Most prominent in position or prevalence; ascendant. (American Heritage Dictionary)
- (n.) In the scene, a person that enjoys assuming control, dominating others, and taking the active roll in making most – or all – of the decisions in a scene or in relationships with a submissive or bottom. (Compare with “top.”)
And also:
Domme, Domina, Dominatrix
(n.) A dominant who is female.
The term “Dominant” appears solid, as also can be seen here and applies to both genders.
“Domme” and “Domina” also appear valid and widely used, Dominatrix even got a Wikipedia page - interesting enough, can’t find male equivalent term.
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