Sexuality Stack Exchange Archive

Does the stage of a woman’s menstrual cycle have any impact on a woman’s sex drive?

Does the stage of a woman’s menstrual cycle have an impact on her sex-drive? Is the sex drive is directly related to the menstrual cycle in some way? It is a well known fact that during ‘the days’ women are at their emotional peak.

Answer 167

Libido is generally higher around the time of ovulation. The effect varies from person to person, so not all women will feel extra excited during this time, and varies from cycle to cycle. There have been studies to prove this effect. Most forms of birth control pills prevent ovulation, which also negates the effect.

Genital blood flow increased the most around the time of ovulation, and in an accompanying survey, the women said they felt most aroused at that time of the month.

Source, references inside: Psychology Today: How the Menstrual Cycle Affects Women's Libido

Answer 215

On the average, libido is slightly higher around ovulation. However, there are two caveats:

“On the average” hides a LOT of variability. E.g., some women are hornier just before, just after, or during their periods.

And the cyclical variability completely disappears if you survey women who are on hormonal birth control, like the pill.

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