What is a good way, appropriate time, and effective strategy to bring up someone’s STI status? I’m asking specifically for someone who has a chronic STI, like herpes, HIV, hepatitis, etc.
I believe that a good way should be bringing it up as early in the relationship as possible.
As people would get offended, or scared there might be more secrets, if you don’t share something like this early on.
Try an approach where you simply bring it up as a normal conversation.
Explain to them early that you have something important to discuss, and when the time comes, be straight to the point and try to explain that it shouldn’t limit the relationship, since because of contraceptives certain obstacles can be avoided.
But do not forget to explain the cares the person needs to have “with body fluids, contact with blood etc..”
And if the person at least respects you, you should have a start on going over that ordeal together.
Some time before the first sexual encounter, and preferably not after.
As for a specific ‘time’, this will differ from person to person and will be unique in every situation. I don’t think there is one “right time” - it should be whenever you feel comfortable enough with the person to share that information with them.
What is a good way, appropriate time, and effective strategy to bring up someone’s STI status?
Well, Sexually transmitted infections/diseases are those things which one should clearly make his/her partner aware about. Most STIs initially do not cause symptoms.This results in a greater risk of passing the disease on to others.
It can(will) have ill-effect if someone indulges in intercourse or other sorts of sexual interactions with their partner.
So, the person suffering from STI should clearly make his/her partner aware about from the day he/she comes to know about it.
For further study about STI, cause, and prevention, please refer to this Wikipedia link on Sexually transmitted infection
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