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How do I create custom voices for Garmin Nuvi using WAV files

I have recently upgraded our GPS to a Garmin Nuvi 1490 and have been having a blast with the Garmin Voice Studio. I can easily add new voices by recording them using this app and uploading them, however I would like to use a set of WAV files that I recorded of my son. The application has an import for WAV but I'm not able to do this because I keep receiving an error of "The audio file format is not supported." I have tried various codecs and formats but have not found a combination that works. Anyone know how I could get this to work?

Answer 1140

The Garmin Voice Studio wasn't able to import any WAV files I created no matter what codec I tried. I ended up plugging a cable from the headphone jack to the line input of my soundcard and playing the wav files with audacity and recording them with voice studio. Ghetto trick, but it seemed to work and now I have a one year old giving me directions. Very funny!

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