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kindle battery rundown when ‘off’

Here's what appears to happen to me:

  1. turn off wireless
  2. 'turn off' kindle
  3. set it aside for 3 days
  4. find it in 'battery is dead, you must plug it in' state.

It's a nearly new kindle, and this is not the experience I see reported by others. Any ideas? is there no way to really turn a kindle off?

Answer 704

First make sure battery is fully charged - repeat few full charge / discharge cycles. If you switch off WiFi, Kindle has about same energy consumption whether it is on or off - as the eInk screen uses energy only for redrawing. The battery will eventually self discharge whether you use it or not.

I did measurement with Sony PRS 500 (no Wifi, eInk screen) and maximum battery life when not used was about 14-18 days, less with use. 3 days is rather extreme.

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