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E-ink typing device?

Is there a device that i can buy that allows me to take notes and write in text files on an E-ink display, along with something close to a full-size keyboard?

Answer 682

Install a 3Qi e-ink LCD hybrid display in a netbook. With a beefy nine-cell battery, you could get eight hours of battery life plus direct-sunlight readability. That's the only I know to get an e-ink display with a real keyboard.

Of course, if you don't really need the e-ink display, you're probably better off with an iPad and an external keyboard. It has great battery life (for an LCD device), a highly-readable screen (in indirect light), and PDF and text file annotation capabilities.

Answer 695

There are those smart pens that write on special paper (you can print it out thought), and they automatically transcribe it. Have a look at their mentions in writer Charrly Stross's blog, he rather likes it.

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