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BlackBerry Storm, What does the top right button do?

There are two buttons on the top of my BlackBerry Storm, the lock button, and a button that looks like a crossed-out speaker.

I cannot for the life of me find out what that speaker button does. It doesn't set the phone to silent or vibrate. And, when the phone is on vibrate or silent, it doesn't turn the ringer back on.

What is the function of that button?

Answer 164

I have the same button on my 8900 and it is used for two things AFAIK. First, it puts the phone into standby mode if you hold it down for a few seconds. Second, it mutes the microphone only during a phone conversation.

Answer 201

It is a Mute button for when using the phone functionality. Same as a single press of the headset button (the one that ships with Blackberrys).

When you have audio playing, like an MP3, then a single press of the mute button, or the headset button stops/starts the audio playing.

On a side note, press and hold the headset button and it activates voice dial.

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