AskAboutGadgets Archive

How do you sell or dispose of your old gadgets?

I think the two most obvious places where gadgets end up is eBay or a recycling bin of some sort. What are some of the more creative ways to sell or dispose of your old gadgets? Is there a particular marketplace online or otherwise that is better suited than eBay for buying and selling old electronics?

Answer 301

It's called 'the drawer under my desk'...

Answer 299

Answer 283

I generally use Craigslist if it's a device that's of general interest (I've sold computers, general electronics, etc., but I went to eBay to sell my ATI Digital Cable tuner, since that's rather specialized). It's hit or miss, as the ads show newest first, but if you stay on top of deleting and reposting your ad within their timeframe restrictions (every three days, I believe, but they'll warn you if you go to delete an ad that would be a violation if immediately reposted), then I've usually had good luck with them. And you can't beat free. DO NOT SHIP ITEMS SOLD ON CRAIGSLIST, THOUGH.

As far as the easiest, try NextWorth. While I haven't used them before, I've seen them recommended by a couple of bloggers in the past. The prices are (obviously) lower than what you'd get if you went through eBay or Craigslist, but you just fill out a form, mail in your device, and you get a check.

Answer 350

I generally don't purchase items I don't plan to keep and use for a long time.

  1. I generally install the latest firmware on all devices. If I plan to keep the item or use it as a backup, it's or the latest stable hack / third party firmware if the firmware is not Free/Open Source.
  2. Broken items are recycled.
  3. The units may pull duty as travel / backup units, or given to my wife (I like to call this "hazard duty").
  4. Items still with life/usefulness are given away over FreeCycle if they have use to another.

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