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headphones party for two


I'm wondering if there exists a wireless solution that will allow two people to listen music on the same portable device. Flash based music player and a couple of bluetooth headphones would be ideal but I'm not sure if it's possible to have both phones set on one device. Has anyone tried that? Any other options there may be?

Answer 1695

Define portable device.

iPod / Zune / etc.

Not likely able to do this wireless but under your "other options" you can get a physical headphone splitter. I see some for $0.01 on Amazon.


Laptops are portable devices (?). You can do this with wireless headphones or bluetooth. For bluetooth, you might need two bluetooth adapters, probably the built-in plus a USB. Split the audio stream, send it out 2x.

Answer 1697

Agree with Mankoff.

Also I would add that you would not be able to do this over bluetooth with current revisions. Right now Bluetooth only supports pairing with one device.

For wireless, you would still have to have a physical splitter because wireless headphones will still need to plug into something for the base to transmit to the headphone. You can't circumvent the base until WiFi supports direct connections to other WiFi devices. This technology is on the way, but not here yet.

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