AskAboutGadgets Archive

Your unknown gadgets

Do you own a gadget that you use regularly but that most people have never heard of? Can you make a case that every fellow geek should get the gadget as well?

Answer 192

Timex Ironman Datalink USB watch. Has a USB port on the watch, only has 32K of RAM, and programs need to be written in Assembler, to fit in a 900 byte (yes BYTE!) execution space.

One of the developers recently figured out a way to break the 900 bytes barrier, leading to bigger apps.

It can sync to the computer, load software on it.

I bought it since it has a 200 lap stopwatch and I can download my splits from it! But the rest of the features are GREAT!

Answer 383

I got a "$100" Logitech mouse for Christmas a few years ago that has 11 buttons, and quite honestly I can't think of using a standard 3 or 5 button mouse ever again. I ended up buying a second mouse about a year later to use on another computer. Definitely a must have.

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