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Nokia 5800 v50, getting “Invalid server name” with ad-hoc wlan with windows 7


After upgrading to v50 firmware in my nokia 5800 xpress music phone.

I am not able to connect to ad-hoc wlan network in my laptop(windows 7 os).

I have a dialup internet connection and created wireless ad-hoc network to access the internet in my phone. But i am getting "invalid server name" in the phone and my wireless network access type in windows 7 shows "no internet access".

I am able to connect to wlan infrastructure network using 5800 in my office. So my phone is working with wlan and i m able to access internet on it. BUT The problem is "dial up with ICS enabled" and "AD-HOC wlan network" in Windows 7.

Can anyone give some solution on it. Or can you provide a guide/tutorial to connect 5800 with adhoc network and dialup internet in windows 7.

System: Windows 7 Dial up internet connection with ICS enabled. Ad-Hoc wireless network with WEP Nokia 5800 Xpress Music phonw

Note: I have read other posts also and tried their solutions but didnt worked for me. the first solution is to bridge the network and access it. but how can i bridge the dialup and wlan netwok? second solution is manually configure IP and DNS addresses in phone. But what should i add as IP and DNS as my dial up and adhoc network have automatic addresses.

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