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Trigger pull of Beretta 92CB

I’m writing a story and would like to know how many pounds it takes the pull the trigger on a Beretta 92CB Semi-Automatic pistol.

Answer 988

The 92CB was a competition model of the 92FS that was also briefly adopted by the Italian COMSUBIN (the Italian Navy special operations group). Unlike the 92FS, the CB is a single action pistol (with double action double strike capability) with a frame mounted safety. Trigger weight is at or just below the stated weight for standard 92FS guns. Information that I have, very few CBs were imported to the US market.

Answer 984

Google failed me when I tried to find any sources to back this up, but I know the M9 sports about a 12 pound double-action pull and about a five-pound single-action pull. I don’t imagine many of the variants would depart from that setup, but don’t take my word for it if someone corrects me.

Answer 985

The wikipedia page indicates the following:

Trigger Pull: Single Action: 4.0 to 6.4 lbf (18 to 28 N) Double Action: 9.9 to 16.1 lbf (44 to 72 N)

Your manual should have more information regarding your particular model.

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