What Countries Have Concealed Carry Laws Similar to the United States
- posted by: jmort253 on 2012-01-22
- tagged:
, ccw
- score: 11
If a person were planning to retire in a country outside of the United States and owned handguns, what are some good options for retirement that would allow this person and family to legally keep, carry, and use their firearms? This includes the ability to carry loaded, concealed firearms on their person.
What countries have concealed carry laws similar to the United States?
Answer 1023
- posted by: mace on 2012-02-08
- score: 3
From skimming the Wikipedia article, these countries appear to be the most similar:
- Serbia’s laws are about the most permissive in Europe. They ban similar groups from owning firearms as the US. The only caliber restriction is to less than 50BMG, and there is no limit on the number of guns which can be owned. Conceal carry permits are available but very hard to get.
- Israel is strict about who can own a gun, but allows them to carried almost anywhere, openly or concealed
- Switzerland is more liberal than the US in some ways; all able-bodied males are required to have fully automatic firearms in the home due to universal conscription. However, licensing for others is strict and carry permits are generally only given to those working as security contractors and the like.
- Kenya requires a license to own firearms but no further license is required to carry concealed
- Mexico limits who can own guns, and limits them to relatively small calibers, but does allow carrying them in public with a license
- Germany, Italy, and Slovakia offer concealed carry licenses but generally require a specific need
According to a little blip from this article Mexico and Guatemala are the only other countries which guarantee a right to bear arms, so you might want to look into their laws in more detail.
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