Firearms Stack Exchange Archive

What to look for in a surplus Mosin-Nagant rifle?

I am interested in purchasing a Mosin-Nagant rifle as a cheap plinker. Since they are all surplus and in various states of repair, what are some things I should check for to make sure that it will be safe to fire and reasonably accurate?

Answer 427

As a basic rifle for plinking, the Mosin-Nagant is probably unmatched for reliability at it's low price point. Being such a simple rifle, what you need to look for is rather easy to do. After you ensure that the rifle is unloaded and pointed in a safe direction:

For tons more info check out (general info), and these forum threads: this one from, , and (what to look for when buying).

Answer 93

Careful. Don’t use the word ‘Accurate’ in the same sentence as ‘Mosin Nagant’ too much. ;) Mosins are great guns, but accuracy is not their forte. That being said, if you can find one cheap get a Finnish remade Mosin. They got a LOT of guns from Russia and turned them around and improved on them considerably.

Check the wood, ensure there are no cracks that you can see into. Check the conditions of the dog collars. Pull the bolt and look at the sky (or a light or something) by looking through the BOLT end of the rifle. Try to see if the interior of the barrel is dirty or marred. Dirt can be cleaned. Divits and pits cannot. The price to repair would cost more than the Mosin.

Answer 448

No matter who you get that rifle from, or how clean they say it is, clean the hell out of it. And when you think it’s clean, clean it some more, because that low grade Soviet cosmoline can hide any where on that rifle. Also make sure the bolt and serial numbers match and are not forced matched, parts that are forced match will have one serial number lined out with a electropencil and a new serial number written.

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