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How do I should I secure a laser / light picatinny mount

I would like to know some solutions for a loose laser / light rail mount. I cannot keep my laser dialed in on my M&P40. It has serious slack and just moving the gun around in an agressive way throws the laser off significantly. Is there a “right” way to secure mounts like this?

This is the model I have on my M&P40

Answer 863

I would suggest that a mount that is not “quick release” might be more solid. There’s also something to the old adage that “Good gear ain’t cheap, and cheap gear ain’t good.” Considering the low price of the item, and the existence of poor reviews that state the item does not hold zero because of a loose fit on the rail, I think it applies here.

If the question is how to secure this particular item to your firearm so that it will hold zero, I doubt there will be an answer you find satisfactory. If I was desperate to make a piece of gear like this work for me, I might consider adding some kind of shims between the mount and the rail, and once I found the optimal fit, affixing them to the mount permanently with superglue or something similar.

Finally, consider whether this mount is having problems with your particular rail system, or whether it is mal-fitting on rails from other manufacturers. If you can get it to hold zero on another firearm, maybe the rail on your handgun is slightly out of spec.

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