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Multiple semi-automatic modes on select fire weapons

Wikipedia’s article on Selective fire says:

A selective fire firearm has at least one semi–automatic and one automatic mode, which is activated by means of a selector which varies depending on the weapon’s design.

I can only think of one possible semi-automatic mode: you pull the trigger, and one round is fired. Can someone explain what variations there could be? Are there any weapons with multiple semi-automatic modes?

Answer 806

I think the “at least one” clause actually applies to the automatic mode - as in 3-round burst or full automatic. Likely just an awkward phrasing of the explanation.

Answer 884

Off the top of my head, I would say that there could be different modes of semi-auto fire. One being from a closed bolt and one being from an open bolt. Now, I can’t think of a firearm that is select capable semi-auto from open to closed bolt. Though, there are select fire weapons that are closed bolt semi and open bolt full auto (LWRC M6 IAR).

Also, the conversation would be moot, in 1982 the ATF effectively banned open bolt semi autos for possession, manufacture and import by ruling that an open bolt firearm was “readily convertible” to full auto and are considered machine guns.

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