, troubleshooting
, out-of-battery
On my Kimber Ultra (1911 pattern, officer’s length). At the range, when a insert a magazine and rack/release the slide, the slide won’t return to battery. The cartridge is stripped from the magazine and partially chamber. It’s maybe 1/4-1/2” from complete being closed. If I bang the butt of the gun against the palm of my hand, everything gets into position. How should I troubleshoot this?
This happens FMJ “ball” ammo. The magazines are slightly dirty. That is, I’ve previously dropped them empty out of the gun. It doesn’t happen with an identical magazine of JHP cartridges, but that magazine has probably never been dropped. While shooting I don’t have any trouble with cycling, only with that first cartridge from slide lock.
UPDATE (details from answers and comments): It’s not a new gun, it’s got between 1000-2000 rounds through it. The magazines are new Wilson Combat 7-round for the Officer’s grip. There is no shock buffer. I’m wondering why it’s only the first round of a full magazine from slide lock. While shooting, the gun has never failed to cycle correctly. I suspect it’s that the magazines are slightly dirty, but I wanted to ask here to confirm that.
It sounds like the slide needs a little more momentum/force or a little less friction to completely go into battery.
I would look at:
Lubrication where the slide/frame meet, and any points where the slide/barrel meet
User technique re slide release/racking - are you releasing the slide with the slide release, or pulling the slide all the way to the rear and releasing (the “slingshot” technique?)
I would also experiment with the FMJ loads in the magazine(s) you’re using successfully with the JHP rounds - maybe the feed lips on the mags you’re using are bent/damaged such that they’re causing the FMJ rounds to drag and/or enter the chamber at an incorrect angle.
How fresh is the recoil spring? They are subject to wear and need periodic replacement. The rule of thumb I’m familiar with says every 3000 rounds in 1911 pattern guns, don’t know if that’s correct for your Ultra.
the 3” 1911’s don’t have a lot of reciprocating mass (the slide isn’t very heavy). If it’s not chambering properly contact Kimber, and have them RMA for repair.
With that said, the incorrect answer is check the throat of the barrel for burrs, or machining marks, and buff if you can, and, with the barrel manually insert/remove a cartridge to see if it’s binding on the chamber (this will require help from kimber). You can also LIGHTLY lubricate the chamber itself, and the throat.
If you can’t fix it by cleaning it, and lubricating, and you aren’t a gunsmith the gun should always go to a gunsmith.
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