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What are the terminal ballistic differences in budget jacketed hollow points over higher priced rounds?

There are cheap JHPs out there for less than 30 cents a round. Are these rounds significantly inferior (regarding self-defense aspects like penetration and expansion) to the dollar per round high-end ammo? If so, at what price point are there diminishing returns?

Note: I’m not asking which brand is better. Also, I am referring to pistol caliber ammunition.

Answer 669

The question is a little vague. Without specific cites, it would be very difficult to answer your question to the affirmative or negative. You are asking, “Is Brand X better performing that Brand Y?” But neither X or Y are provided.

With that being said, the cost difference among ammunition types can be quantified in the following factors:

  1. Manufacture and QC – Your quality JHP will be manufactured by more skilled workers on a line with better components that are sample tested at a greater rate than vanilla FMJ.

  2. Testing – Lots more samples of the product used during internal and external testing.

  3. Volume – Lower volume and higher cost per unit than FMJ results in higher cost to the consumer.

  4. Marketing – Copy with sparks and diamond plate graphics costs money.

In spite of that, a lower cost alternative doesn’t always mean lower performance. But, cutting corners to use a cheap JHP for self defense to save a few cents per round is the wrong place to save money if there are more effective alternatives readily available.

Answer 670

You really can’t make a comparison based on ‘budget’ versus ‘premium’. In my personal testing I have found premium brands (Golden Saber, Hydrashock) wanting. On the other hand the plain Winchester JHP, available in bulk, faired pretty well. (The best from my testing was the Speer Gold Dot - a premium brand). The point being that you really have to make a bullet-by-bullet comparison, and performance isn’t necessarily indicated by price.

Answer 684

JRP well if you’re talking +P+ I know you’re using 9mm. I’m not sure how useful +P+ is because there’s only so much human to penetrate (and +P+ loads are prone to overpenetrate) meaning that you may not get expansion. I’m NOT a 9mm fan because the “cup” in a JHP is so small, HOWEVER I have several thoughts:

  1. If you’re worried about range ammo, and you’re still using +P+ after this, I would consider reloading +P+ rounds (CAREFULLY), using your spent brass and heavy FMJ to simulate the recoil of your defense rounds.
  2. +P+ isn’t really necessary in 9mm, you’re increase in muzzle velocity/energy will be expended after the bullet exits your target, IOW it’s wasted, and a liability for you.
  3. after the 1986 Miami Bank Robbery the FBI determined that the ideal defense round would penetrate 12 inches, no more, no less. So what you’re looking for is a round that does just that through a couple layers of clothing and still expands reliably. Several agents DIED to learn this, so trust it, it didn’t come cheap.
  4. the box o truth. (and don’t constrain yourself to just this article, I learned a lot from that site) You can also set up a similar testing rig with empty milk jugs and ~$15 in lumber, more calcium in your diet, and best of all you will get wet! :)

I carry Speer or Winchester Bonded in my 1911 (45ACP), so neither is particularly relevant to your situation, but others might ask.

Answer 690

I think there is wisdom in all the preceding answers. I have, in the past, carried some loaded with “less expensive” ammo (Winchester White Box, Magtech, Aguila…). And, the all punched real nice holes in every target I shot them at. But, when you start looking into what the Law Enforcement folks carry, the answer is not Winchester White Box, Magtech, Aguila…

Why? Testing and demonstrated performance. With public budgets being what they are, this one area no one is suggesting cuts.

So, you need to ask yourself if the time comes to use your weapon in self-defense, are you going to be happy that you saved .70 cents a round? Or, are you going to be praying that X (fill in the blank) will be up to the task of saving your bacon.

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