, ccw
I have seen lots of references on the internet to the danger of shooting yourself while drawing a weapon from a shoulder holster.
However, I can’t find any specific references to this actually happening, and I’m beginning to wonder if it is an urban legend.
Has this ever actually occurred?
A man out target shooting is dead after shooting himself Friday, January 05, 2007. It happened around 1:00 p.m. at the outdoor gun range of the Memphis Shooting Association on Old Brownsville Road. Shelby County Sheriff’s investigators think it was accidental, but it is the second time something like this has happened in less than six months.
In August, 69 year old Roy Latimer accidentally fatally shot himself putting his gun in a shoulder holster. Deputies say the same thing happened again.
Generally it involves a violation of one of the four rules. But it has happened.
Regardless of any documented instances, you should never employ a concealment system that requires you to “laser” yourself (so the barrel points at your body) when drawing or holstering it. Shoulder holsters have fallen out of favor with many experts and concealed carriers as a result.
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