Firearms Stack Exchange Archive

What should I be on the lookout for when I’m looking at a used revolver?

If I’m looking at purchasing a used revolver, what should be on the lookout for to determine if the gun is in pretty good shape? Let’s assume I won’t be allowed to fire it before purchasing.

Answer 37

There’s a lot to look out for: (link to 12 page Google doc of detailed information)

The summary (further revised by kbyrd) from page 12 of “Revolver Checkout”, 2011 Revised Edition by Jim March:

SAFETY FIRST! Make sure it’s unloaded and always, always watch your muzzle direction!

Get the cylinder swung open, removed, or whatever else it takes to get to a point where you see the back of the barrel.

External once-over - look for:

With the gun reassembled and unloaded, cock it, then lower the hammer with the trigger still held back. This is “full lockup” - the state the gun will be at during firing. Check the following:

Answer 34

Here’s a few things to note:

Answer 39

From a mechanical standpoint, you’ll want to look for:

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