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Do ambidextrous .45 pistols exist?

Are there any ambidextrous .45ACP pistols? By ambidextrous I mean that they functionally work the same in both the left or right hand, or are easy to modify on a range. I’m looking to get a handgun for my sister and I to share at the range, but she’s left handed and I’m right handed.

Answer 273

When we’re talking about ambidexterity, there are generally three controls we’re concerned with: the slide release, the magazine release, and the safety or decocking lever (if present).

Some handguns are available with ambidextrous slide releases. I generally don’t think this is vital for left handed shooting, because I prefer to release the slide by tugging it to the rear instead of using the slide release (jerking the slide to the rear is much more robust and universal than using the release).

A few handguns are available with ambidextrous magazine releases, and others are available with reversible magazine releases (they can be switched from right to left, but only work one way at a time). Again, I don’t feel that this is vital. It’s fairly easy for most left handed shooters to activate the magazine release with the tip of their index finger.

Most pistols with external manual safeties these days are available with ambidextrous safety levers. The same is true of decockers, with the notable exception of SIGs. I generally prefer pistols without external manual safeties or decocking levers, and on such guns this isn an issue.

So, I would suggest getting a pistol without an external manual safety, such as a Glock, XD, or M&P, and not worrying about whether or not it has an ambidextrous slide or magazine release. I regularly practice both right and left handed with my Glocks, and I can run them fine either way despite not having an ambidextrous mag release or slide stop.

Answer 285

The closest to truly ambidextrous pistols are going to be H&K’s guns (USP, HK45, Px000 series). Rather than using a button mag release, they use the lever that’s accessible from both sides. The UPSs do not have an ambi slide stop, however, so that doesn’t solve the problem of the left-handed slide stop but some people will tell you that you should only ever use a “slingshot” to release the slide (gripping the rear, pulling back to let the slide stop fall on its own, and releasing the slide — the same motion you would use to chamber a round on a fresh magazine).

I’ve also seen ambi mag releases for 1911s, but that isn’t exactly a “factory available” gun.

Answer 274

I’m a big fan of the 1911 platform, and it’s not terribly difficult to install an ambidextrous safety on one of those.

Alternatively, a Glock G21 should work just fine. No thumb safety, and the magazine release is easily reachable whether shooting right or left handed. The only trouble I could imagine your sister having is with the slide lock, but as a right-handed person, I have trouble with those as is.

Answer 359

I own an FN FNP .45 Tactical, it is completely ambidextrous with the exception of extracted casings that eject to the traditional right side.

The safety, slide stop and even magazine release button are ambidextrous. I cannot confirm if the other FNP (sometimes marketed as Browning PRO pistol series) models/calibers have this feature.

This is a link to the manufacturer’s website. I can post pictures of my pistol tonight if you’d like. I feel I must also add that my FNP 45 has been a stellar handgun in regards to reliability and accuracy.

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