Firearms Stack Exchange Archive

How and why would you make a barrel “free-floating”?

I’ve noticed that several high end rifles have “free-floating” barrels. How is this accomplished? What is the advantage?

Answer 256

A free floating barrel is one that doesn’t have any contact with the stock or handguard forward of the receiver. Free floated barrels are generally more accurate for several reasons: Stress placed on the forend, such as loading a bipod or tensioning a sling, doesn’t have any effect on the barrel. When the barrel heats up it doesn’t bind against the handguard, changing the point of impact. Finally, in can lead to more consistent harmonics (the vibrations as the bullet travels down the barrel).

Free floating is accomplished by having a design where the handguard is not attached to and does not touch the barrel. The forend has to be stiff enough to support itself without barrel contact.

Answer 335

This image may help you understand

enter image description here

note how the bills have been slid between the barrel and the fore-stock. Only the receiver actually in contact with the stock.

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