Firearms Stack Exchange Archive

Will shooting trap with a field gun wear it out prematurely?

I have read that guns set up for trap and other shooting games can have tens of thousands of rounds run through them before the barrels begin to have issues. If all I have is my field gun, will I be putting too much wear on it by shooting trap? Assuming that it does put wear on it is there any way to limit the wear on my field gun while shooting trap?

Answer 33

I shoot trap with a Remington 870 super mag and have never had any problems. I used to shoot 150 clays every week during the summer with it. Never noticed any excess wear, nothing ever broke. This included both factory loads and re-loads.

I second the opinion on making you comfortable with the firearm. I can take that thing apart and put it back blind-folded.

Answer 25

I wouldn’t call it “too much” wear, and I would be surprised if a modern field gun’s barrel didn’t last as long as a trap gun assuming the same care and maintenance are done to both guns. When you buy a shotgun setup for trap, you’re not just buying something that will last longer, you’re buying a better and more adjustable stock, a shorter lock time (the time between the trigger releasing hammer and the firing pin striking the primer), and other improvements.

If you’re just starting trap, I highly recommend using what you have. It’ll make you much more comfortable with that firearm.

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