Basic safety rules for beginners on ranges
- posted by: DForck42 on 2011-11-02
- tagged:
, shooting-range
- score: 4
What safety rules should a beginner know before shooting at a public range?
For example, knowing what hot range and cold range means.
Answer 205
A beginner should start with the four rules:
- Always assume a gun is loaded, even if you’re sure it isn’t
- Never point a gun at something you aren’t willing to destroy
- Keep your finger out of the trigger guard until you’re ready to fire
- Know your target and what’s behind it. You’re responsible for every bullet you fire until it stops
- Follow any and all commands given by the Range Officer immediately
- Do NOT touch any firearm when the range is cold
- Do NOT, for any reason, venture forward of the firing line when the range is hot
- If the gun jams or acts unexpectedly, set it down and ask the Range Officer for help
- If the gun fails to fire when you expected it to fire, keep it pointed down-range for at least 30 seconds
- Have fun, ask questions, and learn.
Answer 227
The #1 rule for every beginner (and experienced shooters too):
- Always keep the muzzle pointed in a safe direction even if you think it’s unloaded
Other important things:
- If the range is cold, do not touch any gun
- Follow any commands given by the range officer immediately
- NEVER go in front of the line while the range is hot
- Only shoot at designated targets
- If the shooting range has specific rules, read these first
- If your gun jams or you encounter a problem, wait for assistance. Don’t try to fix it yourself if you don’t know the difference between a firing line and a firing pin - you may make things worse
Answer 255
A good way to become familiar with range shooting is to take a gun safety class at your local range. Every class I have attended you shoot at the range under range conditions with an instructor. This way you cam ask questions simply and you have some one watching you while you shoot.
This is also helpful because it will give you familiarity with several types of guns to make you feel more comfortable by yourself.
The last bit of advice would be never be afraid to ask at the range. People will always be helpful and when it comes to gun safety you cam never be too sure.
Answer 257
- posted by: Tango on 2011-11-03
- score: 0
When it comes to safety, every person is a range officer. Anybody can call a cease fire if they’re the first to see some unsafe conditions. You don’t need a vest or hat to do that. Heck, you might even be saving someone’s life.
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