Firearms Stack Exchange Archive

Can I legally remove capacity-limiting devices from a shotgun in California?

I have a standard 28” 12-gauge, pump-action shotgun.

For all intents and purposes, it’s a standard, run-of-the-mill long-barrel shotgun.

The gun came stock with a wood plug that limits the magazine to 2, 23/4-inch cartridges. In total, it can hold 3 rounds with the plug, 6 without.

Can I legally remove the plug in the state of California, allowing for the shotgun to hold it’s maximum capacity?

Answer 217

Just clearing a few things up with regards to California law. Since the OP's shotgun in question is pump action, the Assault Weapons Control Act does not apply and the plug can be removed. The only thing you have to watch out for is a barrel less than 18 inches or an overall length less than 26 inches and extending the magazine tube to more than 10 rounds. You can have a pistol grip and folding/telescoping stock on a pump action in California as long as it meets the length requirements.

Follow this flowchart: At Step #11 you hit the semi-auto question, answering No makes it legal and bypasses the folding/telescoping stock and pistol grip criteria.

Answer 193

One more thing, the reason for that plug is a restriction on number of loaded shells while hunting. If you’re caught hunting without the plug you’ll likely run into trouble with Fish & Game.

Answer 159

Yes, the gun may be modified to accept additional cartridges so long as it isn't classified as an assault weapon.

According to the Assault Weapons Control Act of 1989 (and subsequent amendments), only firearms classified as "assault weapons" have limited magazine capacities of 10 rounds.

Requirements for an assault weapon classification (shotgun) include:

Answer 189

It is illegal if the limitations are removed in California. If you have your guns with you in Nevada or another state, you may legally remove the capacity restrictions. You need to ensure you put them back into place BEFORE re-entry into California!

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