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Can brand new 1911 type pistol be taken straight to the range?

I am about to pick up brand new Springfield Champion .45. Can I try it out right away at the range by the store or do I need to do anything special to it before first fire?

Answer 1185

You can take it straight to the range, although you may want to throw some extra oil on it. If you don’t, you won’t hurt the pistol, but it may not function perfectly until you do.

Answer 1189

Nothing special really needed. On my Champion I just ran a patch down the bore to wipe out any dust and oiled it, worked like a champ for years. All it needed initially was some minor adjustment to the rear site and I ended up changing the sites later. Depending on how new yours is, I would keep an eye on the plunger tube. Later in it’s life (maybe a few thousand rounds) mine came loose, twice, trapping the safety in the on position and giving me some second thoughts as to how much I trusted it. Other than that little rough patch a few years ago, it generally eats what I feed it and has been reliable.

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