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Problems with Lone Wolf conversion barrel in Glock 22

I tried my new Lone Wolf 40-9 conversion barrel in my gen 4 Glock 22 yesterday with some PMC 115gr FMJ ammo. Unfortunately I had all sorts of problems–stovepiping, rounds being pinched tip-up between the feed ramp and slide, rounds nose-diving in the magazine, and the slide not locking back when the magazine was empty. Do I need to send this thing back or is there something I can do?

Answer 1074

From Lone Wolf:

About 1% of our 9mm conversion barrels are affected by the poor performance of low powered 115 grain ammunition causing a Failure To Eject (FTE). A good example of ammunition that is “most likely to fail” is Winchester White Box (WWB). This rare failure is too low a percentage to make an issue, however it is one we are well aware of. The fix to resolve this issue is quite simple:
  1. Clean and lube your slide and barrel.
  2. Shoot 1 mag to 1 box of good quality +P or +P+ ammunition through the barrel.
  3. Try the FTF ammunition again. If it runs... great! If you experience more failures you will have a couple choices to make:
    1. Reduce the recoil spring weight to 11 lbs. Cost is about $25 for stainless steel guide rod and reduced power spring.
    2. Shoot 124 gr or a better quality 115 gr ammunition exclusively. The FTF 115 gr ammunition you are currently using is no longer a valid option.
What causes this problem? Several issues come into play:
  1. The 40 slide and (40 conversion) barrel are thicker than standard 9mm slides and barrels. This extra thickness equates to more weight. The combined extra weight taps the energy of the "weak 115 gr ammunition” to its complete demise. It simply lacks in power and fails to reliably eject the spent round.
  2. Every once in awhile a Failure To Feed/Failure To Eject (FTF/FTE) is caused by a fit issue. We resolve fit issues by pumping +P or +P+ ammunition through the gun. This hot ammunition provides extra pressure and the pressure will positively align any and all components. Once they are all aligned there is no longer a fit issue. The FTF/FTE is usually resolved.
FYI: Several manufactures are currently producing low powered 115 gr 9mm loads. This ammunition is also known to produce failures in all standard model Glock 9mm pistols.

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