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Steel casing 9mm jams the slide in Glock 17. Is there anything that can be done to remedy the problem?

I bought some fairly cheap steel casing 9mm ammo. It shoots reasonable well in my Glock 17 with one exception. If I release the slide using slide release button, in every other case the slide would not close and I will have to pull it back and release again. This ammo also seem to be harder to load in magazine (but that may be subjective). The pistol operates normally when I shoot.

No problem when I shoot brass casings.

So I wonder if someone can recommend something to prevent slide getting stuck. It appears that there is more friction of steel casing against the lip. Should I lubricate it?

Answer 1068

Don’t use the slide release button, rack the slide by hand.

When I’m first introducing people to firearms, I always call it the slide lock button or lever, never the slide release and insist people rack the slide completely by hand. In most semiautomatic pistols, the slide lock mechanism locks the slide back about 1/4-1/2” or more from the end of the full range of motion of the slide. That last bit of slide travel can be important for storing up enough energy in the recoil spring for your slide to come forward with enough force to chamber a round from the magazine. It is true that in many modern pistols, releasing the slide from slide lock will work most of the time. But not all the time and not with all ammunition.

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