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Safety gear maintenance

What is the best way to keep ear plugs (the baffle kind), ear muffs, and safety glasses clean after range time?

I’ve never seen instructions on the packages for muffs and plugs for how to keep them usable and clean, and am curious to know if the polycarbonate lenses need any special care that is different from sunglasses, spectacles, etc.

Answer 1064

Most polycarb lense care instructions indicate cleaning with warm soapy water should be sufficient and drying or wiping with a soft cloth. For “earmuff” style hearing protection, again, soap and water on the outside, leave the foam inside dry. For the baffled plugs, not sure. If the baffle is plastic, it should be safe to clean them like any reusable plug (soap and warm water), the Radians “Cease Fire” indicate they’re washable.. For metal baffles, not sure, I suppose you could do the same and try and shake or blow them out to dry but I’m not sure blowing through it wouldn’t damage the baffle depending on how much force you use and which direction.

Answer 1075

I own one of these ultrasonic cleaners, and it's great for cleaning eyewear. I imagine, but have no proof, it would work well on your ear plugs.

As far as the earmuffs go, how dirty are they getting in the first place? I've owned a pair of Howard Leight muffs for years, and have never felt the need to clean them once.

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