, sight
, cross-dominance
I’m a cross-eye dominant pistol shooter (right-handed, left-eye dominant). Should I shoot left handed, close my right eye, do both (close right eye & shoot left handed), neither?
Being cross dominant, you have a few options:
Learn to shoot on your dominant eye side, rather than your dominant hand side. A very valuable skill to possess and practice.
Shoot dominant hand side, but aim with your dominant eye. Easy enough to do, providing your grip incorporates a slight cant of the gun to bring the sights to your dominant eye focal plane.
Shoot dominant hand side and aim with non-dominant eye. A little tougher, as your dominant eye wants to take over. Instead of blinking/squinting or closing your “other” eye, use the bridge of your nose to block your dominant eye by turning your head ever so slightly. Slightly blocking your dominant eye with the bridge of your nose will bring your non dominant eye to the sights much more naturally.
Please don’t close one eye. If you are ever planning on training to use a handgun defensively, you need to learn to shoot both eyes open and frankly, use and practice all three options above. Good luck!
When shooting pistol, eye-dominance (as long as you aren’t trying to use your non-dominant eye) is almost irrelevant. Move the pistol a couple inches to the left (assuming a right-handed shooter) and you’re golden. You can use your dominant eye, AND your dominant hand. You don’t have to cant the pistol, just move it over so it’s in front of your dominant eye.
Cross-eye dominance isn’t an issue at all with a handgun. (Longarms are different, but that’s another matter).
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