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Proper sand blasting technique

When doing a deep-clean in preparation for refinishing, I know many gun smiths use a sand blasting cabinet.

What is the proper technique / appropriate precautions to take in advance of sand blasting fire arm parts?

What parts are NOT safe to sand blast?

Answer 1017

I use medium glass bead for all of my sand blasting. Some people claim (erroneously, in my opinion) that the peening action of the beads will prevent a finish from taking, but that’s never been a problem for me with anodizing, parkerizing, or bluing.

There’s not a lot to sandblasting “technique” other than to be patient and get an even blasted finish. Much like spray painting something with a rattle can, it’s consistent, overlapping strokes that result in an overall consistent beaded finish.

I would not sandblast any plastic or wood parts without understanding the effect of the blasting. It will erode both materials pretty rapidly. I would also avoid sandblasting the barrel crown or chamber. The parts you absolutely should not sandblast are your sear surfaces - this is the only instance I can think of that is a matter of safety. Other trigger components will generally be unimproved by blasting as they function best with a smooth finish.

Make sure you’re able to completely remove the ‘sand’ from anything you’ve blasted. Parts with deep recesses and interlocking holes require careful attention.

I’m sure there are considerations for particular firearms, but examples elude me at the moment.

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