All Questions
- Is atheism a religion?
- How can I avoid defending the theory of evolution?
- Pascal’s Wager: what’s the most concise answer?
- Is it tough being an atheist in your country?
- What is the single most influential book every atheist should read?
- What should an Atheist do when someone asks them to pray for them?
- How do you address the subject of religion with young children?
- Was the heated bet in the Hitchens vs. Boteach debate ever conceded by either side?
- Is the concept of the “supernatural” meaningful at all?
- If you don’t believe in a God and an ultimate meaning, why get up in the morning?
- How should an atheist behave in church?
- How do atheists deal with mortality and death?
- Should atheists apologize for offending believers?
- Are there any secular alternatives to Alcoholics Anonymous?
- Are there any solid statistics that show negative side effects of religion or positive side effects of atheism?
- Was Hitler an atheist?
- Why is actively promoting atheism looked down?
- Believing in Evolution without fossil evidence?
- Should atheist follow the “Gay Rights” model in fighting the stigma of atheism?
- Favorite cartoon/comic strip/meme about atheism
- How do you concisely refute the assertion that morality comes from religious texts?
- What is the proven fact to support the argumentation that God does NOT exist?
- How would you explain atheism to a child?
- What is the secular consensus on the identity of Jesus?
- Is atheism an absence of belief or a belief of absence?
- Is it worth it to announce your atheism to family and friends?
- Could Atheism exist in a sustainable way without science?
- What alternatives are there to “God bless you”?
- When an atheist is asked of their religion, which answer is most appropriate: “Atheist” or “None”?
- Do you let other people pray in your house? How about just children?
- Believing in Karma if you are an atheist?
- Is there a recognizable symbol for atheism?
- How to convince people you’re moral?
- What is the difference between atheism and agnosticism?
- What has proven the most effective way to reduce religiosity?
- “The Bible is Like Wikipedia” - how to refute that any similarities lead to the conclusion that the Bible is a reliable historical source?
- What are some other online Atheist communities?
- What is the most compelling argument for the existence of God?
- As an Atheist which charity should I donate money to?
- How to deal with the “presuppositional” argument?
- How do atheists evaluate the right to die?
- Who’s your atheist hero and why?
- What are some empathetic alternatives to phrases like “Your family will be in my prayers?”
- How would you handle a Christian normative spouse that insists on bringing up the children in his/her worldview?
- What are the minimum requirements for a deity?
- Running for political office as an atheist
- What’s your favorite atheist quote or quote about atheism?
- What does it mean when a non-religious person says they are spiritual?
- What is it about Atheism that offends religious people even more than other types of religious beliefs?
- Are there any standard, or well known, belief system issues, which Atheists do not, as a whole, agree on?
- Of the numerous debates available online, which do you recommend?
- Why are most atheists I see men
- Has anyone found any supporting materials that confirm/repudiate the statistic claiming “0.21% of Americans in prison are atheists”?
- What is the best response to someone who says, “Oh, you’re an atheist but used to be religious? What happened to you??”
- Do atheists need to define god(s) in order to lack belief in them?
- Evolution as a mathematical and physical process: theory of evolution vs theory of gravity?
- Is it useful bringing satires of religion such as the Flying Spaghetti Monster into a debate with a religious believer?
- Can one rationally take scientific facts on authority?
- Does a nation’s constitution really need to mention protection of religion?
- Are babies born atheist?
- How can I, as a staunch materialist, understand the thinking behind idealism (and hence, theism) when they talk in terms that are alien to me?
- What are the most prominent/persistent/pernicious “memes” that slow or prevent deconversion to atheism?
- What ways can I politely tell people to stop soliciting religious messages and materials?
- How to deal with insidious religious people?
- Can anyone recommend a well-sourced book on the origins of Christianity?
- Absurd and illogical religious stories
- What is the most senior or powerful Elected office currently held by an open atheist?
- Is atheism progressing in the world? Any resources/statistics available?
- What does atheism tell us about Israel?
- Why do some atheists make concessions when it comes to answering “Is there a god?”?
- If I claim to be an Atheist, is that not a claim to have knowledge?
- How do you refute the argument from miracles?
- Are there any good books/articles on the sociological construct of an atheist community?
- “You only accept evolution because everyone else in science does.”
- What kinds of evidence could convince you to believe in God? Are there any?
- How can an atheist answer Lewis’s trilemma?
- When a person becomes an atheist, do they replace their religion with other beliefs/activities?
- Are there theists that aren’t religious?
- Historically speaking, is there someone that is recognized as the first atheist?
- Is there a secular method of measuring years?
- Swearing on the bible
- Are atheists really intellectually honest, or is theism just the most obvious layer of dishonesty?
- Why atheism is still frowned upon the society?
- The one question I don’t have a good answer for - what happens to our body’s energy when we die?
- How do you deal with religious observance with family during the holidays
- What happens when coming out means getting thrown out?
- What biases might atheists suffer from more than the average person?
- Do you consider Buddhism a religion?
- Sex, how as an atheist parent do you address the issue of sex with your children?
- How to introduce young family members to Atheism without coming out of the closet?
- What techniques do religious groups use to increase attendance?
- What are some good documentaries to introduce critical thinking in children?
- What do we atheists agree on?
- Who are the most famous former (God-believing) preachers who are now atheists?
- Views on sexual morality
- What is a good response an atheist can give when someone wishes them Merry Christmas?
- How do religious people both claim God works in mysterious ways while also claiming to know what God wants us to do?
- Boy Scouts of America and Atheists: Boycott, or change from within?
- How should we deal with theists who claim to know when the earth is going to end?
- Can non-believers learn morals from books/TV shows/movies?
- Are there any studies, which correlate the lack of religious belief, the lack of religious behavior and intelligence?
- What if we were created but scientifically, would this be religion and/or creationism?
- What is the functional difference between atheism and ignosticism?
- What role does “belief” or “faith” play in the life of an atheist?
- Atheistic Afterlife?
- How is the fine-tuning argument best refuted?
- Is it possible to cleary distinguish between religiously-inspired political aggression and politically expedient aggression?
- How to deal with the unconstitutional pledge of allegiance of 1954?
- Is empathy just as irrational as belief in God?
- How could we calculate the impact of religion?
- If we use “complexity and capacity for suffering as a guide for moral hierarchy,” what happens when we encounter beings more complex than us?
- Is religion a mental illness?
- Where can I find good resources which debunk supernatural claims?
- Is there such a thing as an Atheist church?
- What is god in atheism? Or “How do Atheists define god?”
- Turning a believer into disbeliever
- Can tolerating intolerance be called tolerance?
- Does atheism mean a disbelief in god, or being anti religion?
- Is Christian reconstructionism in the United States something we should worry about or is its influence very limited?
- How to build community?
- What accounts for the astonishing number of atheist stand up comedians?
- Do placeboes work on atheists?
- How does being an atheist influence your feelings about death?
- Are atheists, statistically speaking as a group, more or less loyal than the rest of the population?
- Debate point: Spousal love is faith-based?
- Is there a pragmatic difference between belief and knowledge?
- What bogus anti-theistic claims have you encountered?
- How would we define atheism without using the word “God”?
- Is violence ever a viable option for an atheist?
- Are atheists more liberal than the average population?
- Where can atheists go online for personal advice?
- In Texas, would it be “religious discrimination” to state that your organization is “atheist”, or to make company statements about superstitions?
- How to answer the question of Spinoza, Einstein, Atheism and “God”
- Is science the religion of athiests?
- What are good examples of atheism in popular culture?
- What are the minimum assumptions needed to reason about our experiences?
- Has your Atheism ever been tested?
- “New Atheists” vs. “Old Atheists”
- Debate point: The Ten Commandments is no more affiliated with the court house than Apple Computers or BIC pens.
- What method can atheists apply to the construction of personhood?
- What specific positive effects does religion have on society?
- Is there anything that religions have accomplished, that couldn’t be done without the need for supernatural beliefs?
- What research exists correlating Atheism and Suicide?
- Why are atheists so obsessed with God?
- Are there any well-spoken non-Judeo-Christian apologetics that aren’t new-age?
- Is the Christopher Hitchens - Tony Blair debate available anywhere online?
- Parenting book recommendations
- Why did the Pope imply that Hitler was an Atheist on his visit to the UK?
- Is there a reason to actively avoid “religious” holidays, e.g. Christmas?
- Is there a correlation between atheism and skepticism?
- Where does morality come from?
- Are atheists un-electable in the USA because they disproportionately identify with third (minor) parties?
- What are some resources for finding inconsistencies in the Bible?
- Who are the most influential atheists of our time through public speaking?
- How do you deal with other myths, like Santa?
- Does Atheism deny Supernaturalism?
- Debating a muslim on the validity of their religion 101 - Science in the Qur’an
- Are believers happier and healthier than non-believers/atheists?
- How would the discovery of alien life impact the major religions?
- Rather than RE, should schools teach the more secular comparative cultures and moral philosophy?
- Reorientation of homosexuals?
- Why does it seem like most atheists are jerks?
- What is the best way to talk to people who are questioning their belief in God if your goal is to influence them to become an atheist?
- What pervasively theistic works of literature/philosophy/art are worth reading by theist and atheist alike?
- Favorite atheism and rational thinking entertainer
- What does “fundagelical” mean?
- Do atheists live longer?
- Does an Atheist need knowledge of religion to defend his/her views?
- Have any studies shown correlation between atheism and particular political affiliations?
- Are there any violent atheist groups?
- How can an atheist respond when a Christian is argued to a standstill and then resorts to saying that we cannot understand God’s wisdom?
- What are some good reading lists for someone who is new to Atheism?
- What factors influence what accommodations you’d make towards the religious?
- Assistance for the clergy who have lost faith
- Studies on Religion from the social point of view
- Has evolutionary psychology explained the origin of religion?
- Are there any recorded debates between atheists and theists, where the theists believe in a malevolent god?
- Can atheists benefit from discussion and interpretations of mythology?
- What can atheists learn from theists/religion?
- Has the New Atheist movement really tried hard to grapple with what drives people towards religion? If not Dawkins et al., who?
- What influences a person to become an athiest?
- Were any pre-modern societies totally devoid of religion?
- Am I required to capitalize “God”?
- Is there a significant number of anti-gay atheists?
- Do inconceivable concepts exist?
- Anyone have any religious debate videos prior to 1995?
- Why is the Atheism meme not as succesful in achieving faster viral spread?
- Is there a significant correlation between atheism and restricted eating?
- Why do post-adolescent children that leaned towards atheism have a tendency to snap back to theism?
- Does atheism require faith?
- Free will is incompatible with the concept of an almighty god?
- Atheistic pastafarian
- Is Julia Gillard, The new Prime Minister of Australia an open atheist?
- What is the Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything
- What are the refutations by paradox involving deities’ existence and properties?
- Which belief systems hold views that are most similar to the Atheist view of reality?
- Have any of your children ended up becoming religious?
- How do you concisely refute a theist’s Occam’s Razor argument?
- What value is there to joining any of the recognized Atheist/Humanist organisations ?
- Is “An atheist KNOWS there is no God” a good definition of the term Atheist?
- If there was one thing you read that accelerated your doubt in religion what was it?
- Are atheists “joiners”?
- Is religion to blame for honor killing?
- Anyone know any information about Stephen Henry Roberts?
- What did you lose? What did you gain?
- Where can I buy an beanie advocating atheism or secularism?
- Is non belief a stronger social tie than national identity?
- Why do some atheists still say “Oh my god” in their conversations?
- Public Policy and Secularism
- Is it absurd to encourage children to think critically about God and religion, while indulging them in Father Christmas?
- Are standards of evidence different for atheists and religious believers?
- Debate point: Homosexuality as a learned behavior, and a challenge to overcome
- Is there a definition of atheism coming from an association?
- How long did it take you to deconvert?
- Can a person be rational and believe the Bible / christianity’s conclusions at the same time?
- Being an atheist in a religious family
- Looking for a good atheist childrens book or book series
- Do theists have better business ethics than atheists?
- How many artists in “Do they know it’s Christmas” were atheists/non-religious?
- Are there any formal declarations of Atheist Ideals? (in general, or as connected to a group)
- What arguments can I give to a headteacher for taking my child out of religious education
- is there any solid authoritative source on secular ethics/morality ?
- Pros and cons of secular ethical theories?
- Should atheists complain about the disparity in elected officials in the US?
- Can an atheist believe in mythical beings such as aliens?
- Who has championed/opposed Dennett’s argument that we should be putting world religions education into schools? How did they argue their claim?
- Atheists are effectively an out-group in the United States. How can we fix that?
- Many religious claim that Charles Darwin “accepted God” on his deathbed. Is it true?
- What does “exist” mean when we say god does not exist ?
- Is disapproval of a company’s leadership’s religious outlook a reason to boycott the company?
- Why does ‘critical thinking’ not always lead to Atheism?
- What can one do to support secular teaching in public schools in the US?
- What are the limits of critical thinking?
- What are the objective, practical advantages, to publicly declaring oneself to be an Atheist?
- When speaking to a theist who asks for specific references in a specified religious text, what is an appropriate way to respond?
- Why people want to believe ?
- Is “Religiously Unaffiliated” equivalent to atheist?
- Raising a child while they attend a religious school
- Is atheism really an important insight? Or in fact a trivial one in comparison to other big questions?
- What sciences are irrelevant?
- Axioms in Logic, Faith, and Atheism
- Should any topic be taboo?
- Is atheism a negative reaction to religion?
- Are you an atheist even if you think “mother nature” is a god of sorts?
- Do atheists believe in free will?
- Links between spirituality and mental toughnes?
- Are there any real religions that don’t have negative effects?
- What book (or books) discusses the curiousity that even remote human cultures have drafted concepts of deities?
- What is a summary of a philosophical or scientific basis for non-supernatural morality?
- Does it makes sense to argue against religion as if it were a clearly defined thing?
- Name of the theory that dinosaur fossils were placed by Satan.
- What is a good book by Epicurus the pre-Christian atheist philosopher?
- What other atheists doing when they are facing a bad life situation
- Ancient Aliens Theory
- The major feature of the atheist’s belief system?
- United States citizenship ceremony and naturalization oath
- What is positive synonym to atheism?
- What are some good arguments for the existence of God?
- Can you believe in evolution and believe in God?
- People and animals in heaven
- Is there a single religious claim untheists would not reject?
- Should atheists consider giving their body to science after their death?
- Are there any atheist tracts done in a Jack Chick style?
- Should atheists be “activists, and if so, for what causes?
- Debating a muslim on the validity of their religion 102 - Moral Islam
- How does atheism affect a person’s attitude towards Science?
- Is bullying of children who do not identify as religious common in the United States?
- What criteria would concept “X” have to meet before an atheist says “I believe X.”
- Is there a term for somebody who refuses to subjugate himself to a supreme being?
- Marriage - how religious it still is?
- What is (are?) the Atheist equivalent(s?) of a congregation?
- Does “holding a belief” constitute a belief, or does a person have to act to truly embody the belief?
- Would it be logically coherent for a religious adherent to deny the existence of [God]?
- What parts of Christmas celebrates Christ?
- Are there any private Atheist schools?
- How do you make a religious person actually pay attention?
- What causes theists to abstract their personal feelings into religious ideas?
- Is there any theistic argument that hasn’t been ‘satisfactorily’ refuted?
- Aside from reason and evidence, what would convince you to become a religious believer?
- What arguments for atheism are invalidated if people do not need to be indoctrinated into religious/supernatural beliefs?
- Are atheists more moral than Christians or other religions?
- If scripture was encoded in mathematical constants, would that constitute evidence of supernatural origin?
- What scientific questions do you, as an atheist, most want to know the answer to?
- What are the most difficult questions for atheists?
- Do we choose (what) to believe? (About anything we claim to have a belief in… not just “God.”)
- What is the proper role of the “liberal” religions?
- Is misbehaviour by religious leaders a logical reason to become atheist?
- Historical inaccuracies in the figure of Jesus
- Are there any non-theistic philosophy which expound on an external source of meaning in life?
- The (not so) fine line between respect and indolence: where should atheists stand?
- Good popular philosophy books on Atheism
- Are there any atheist groups or meetups near Frankfurt, Germany?
- Regular Internet video shows / talk shows for atheists?
- If atheism should not be defined in relation to religion, how to make an allowance for religious persecution of the someone’s atheistic views?
- How do I find atheist groups or meetups near me?
- What are some concise, secular books to read about religion for non believers?
- How should I petition a University’s Discriminatory Non-Discrimination Policy?
- How to deal with a teacher and a chapter that is anti-atheist and pro-religion?
- Why are religion and political party so strongly correlated?
- What are atheistic satanists?
- What is an effective categorization method of identifying and clarifying perceived holy, supernatural, or other similar experiences?
- Refutation of “What’s so Great About Christianity”
- What are the study subjects most related to atheism?
- Religious right rooting for a secular Egypt.
- Is theism a predisposition?
- Is there a technical term for belief in Silicon Heaven?
- What is the most successful concept or practice in dealing with the influence of religion in Government?
- What can science and religion learn from each other?
- Do some atheists shut down the movement toward rationalism?
- How to parse value judgments about religion?
- When was atheism started?
- Why are atheists the second-strongest supporters of Park51?
- Implications of Gödel’s incompleteness theorem
- Why do people say the Constitution of the United States is based on the bible?
- Why does everyone feel “superior”?
- Is there any scientific evidence either supporting or opposing Lenten abstinence?
- What kind of consensus is there on how to define “religion?”
- How is this possible disproof of God’s existence by argument from varied gods?
- If is religion dangerous, how is it dangerous?
- Is religion a disease?
- Did houris exist in pre-Islamic Arabian religions?
- How is the church born?
- How do theists reason away the cruelty of Hell?
- How does a high population of atheists affect a country/city?
- If a religious practice to prevent a physical detriment is not needed, then does it still have relevance?
- How to extrapolate the meanings of “I dis-believe the claim that [God] Exists”?
- What scenarios would you present to a child in order to promote critical thinking?
- “When people stop believing in God, they don’t believe in nothing – they believe in anything.” Discuss
- Contradictions in the religious texts.
- What’s the difference between a secular and a religious wedding?
- “It doesn’t matter whether God exists”: is this an Atheist attitude?
- What types of goals can we expect atheist communities to accomplish?
- How important is writing letters to the editor of your local newspaper in regard to an atheist viewpoint?
- Why do some smart people ignore scientific consensus on the existence of deities?
- what is the core of Christianity?
- How should the US fight against the defamation of religions UN resultion voted recently?
- Is “someone should win this lottery anyway” objection to an intelligent design argument is correct?
- Are clergy more reasonable in discussion than their followers?
- How atheist was the Soviet Bloc?
- Is evolution science or historiography?
- How to approach a theist who chooses arbitrarily only the convenient things from the Bible?
- What are the major issues that divide the atheist community today?
- Should atheists encourage religion to mutate into benign forms?
- So Can I hit it?
- How can refute the assertion that celestials bodies influence people’s behaviour?
- What are the most recent studies showing about the Shroud of Turin?
- When did marriage go from being a business contract to a religious ceremony?
- Do Atheists try to pursue God?
- What resources are there to respond to the argument that “Evolution is no longer accepted in scientific circles.”?
- Who are major public figures who identify as Ignostic?
- What are potential negative consequences of shifting the focus from atheism to ignosticism?
- Are there any objections to cryonics, other than economic ones, which are compatible with Atheism?
- Has anyone atheist or agnostic ever seen any supernatural occurrences?
- The difference between a Atheist, a Agnostic, a Deist and a Theist?
- Do Atheists make more efficient or less efficient soldiers?
- Who benefits from religion and how?
- Is (any particular) atheism a theism?
- Was the second creation story an early attempt at psychology?
- What is the purpose of morality?
- Can religion have an agenda beyond just proselytization?
- What is an effective argument for delineating between appropriate exercises of religious authority and inappropriate?
- Negative feelings from an atheist about atheism
- Are words worth preserving?
- Wouldn’t it be better to not use the label Atheist, but rather refer to believers as Theists?
- “How can you be against the idea of mystery and have your eyes open at the same time?”
- Are the “smaller mysticisms” big enough to be rejected by Atheists?
- Is Lent essentially a good idea?
- How to reason with someone who’s turned their life around through religion?
- What specific tragedies did Jerry Falwell condone?
- Herding cats, is this why this topic is being closed?
- Cant atheist believe in religion ?
- Do you fear death?
- What are the paradoxes that the description of gods suffers from?
- A world without religion. What is your perspective on the matter, as atheists?
- Is it legitimate for governments to legislate on cultural understanding?
- What is the age of consent laws of Vatican City?
- Question about heaven and hell
- Have any studies been done on the relationship between religious upbringings and serial killers?
- Does being an atheist preclude you from following any creed, philosophy?
- What characteristics distinguish a work as engaging both atheists and theists?
- What scientific questions are most pressing considering the concerns of the atheist community?
- How does one know that something does not exist?
- What inspires you?
- Would proof of determinism be tantamount to a proof there’s no god?
- Are atheists forbidden from insulting Islam’s prophet Mohammed?
- Would you be willing to compromise to get more atheist politicans elected in the US?
- Where can we attend the biggest periodical Atheist meetings?
- What are some rules of Christian lifestyle?
- Are we machines?
- Is it atheism if one holds that there is a higher “being” that has set up the system, but who does not care about individuals’ actions?
- Is God always good?
- Who is an atheist?
- Why did some atheists start to believe in god?
- Is there a good list somewhere of hacks for theist held beliefs?
- What moves a theist to blow himself up for 72 virgins? Seriously.
- What are debate points that can be used to debunk the 72 virgins argument?
- Is Atheism a metaphysical belief?
- What is your “conversion” story?
- What are some examples from the Bible that mimic those often quoted from the Qur’an about killing infidels?
- Why do churches get tax breaks?
- If I deify the self, do I get labelled an atheist?
- How atheism explains the existence of feeling?
- Is God dead, or just resting?
- Is there an atheist group that meets in Northeast Houston: Humble, Kingwood, or Atascocita?
- Zeitgeist equivalent for other religions?
- Are atheist more likely to use Ubuntu ?
- What are the least and most acceptable religions?
- Religion as an abusive relationship?
- Is there a difference between hope and faith?
- Bumper stickers for atheists
- Are there any ways to attack the ignostic / theological non-cognitivist position?
- How could Christianity and Islam get away with so many crimes?
- Why do good things happen to bad people?
- What is this philosophy called? Can it form a basis for unifying atheist and theist ways of thought?
- What would you say if religious people offer you prayers?
- Is it ever possible for an atheist to believe in God?
- Does god exist?
- What is the True date
- What is the purpose of staying alive for an atheist?
- How do Atheists see the complexity of the human body?
- Do you fear death? (reprise)
- Are atheists smarter than believers… or are they reprobates… totally closed off from the grace required to believe and have faith?
- How do you account for the preservation of the Pharaoh in the Qur’an?
- If there is no God, who started evolution?
- What are the physics of prayer?